I’ve tried many different types of ceramics, whether glazed or natural. I’ve gathered these categories in the middle column. I've made both small and large ceramics with the thrower, layered, usual and the raku techniques as well. I’ve made different types of bird feeders. The one in the front of the picture has 2 levels, and small birds can nest in the attic and raise their chicks..
I’ve made them natural, antique, glazed and with a combination of all of these. The birdfeeders are made frost resistant. It can be a lovely ornament for gardens and terraces.
I’ve made birdbaths as well for bird enthusiasts. The birds prefer the baths high on a post, the bottom can be used as a plant pot.
Ceramic plant pots, vases, layered pots
Plaques, coat-of-arms
Trophies, ornaments, pendants
Household ware